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When Couples Counseling is Not Working – What To Do

Most people are familiar with traditional, weekly couples therapy sessions that may last for several weeks, months, or even years. However, sometimes weekly couples counseling sessions just don’t cut it anymore.

And I definitely see this sometimes at my Wake Forest couples counseling office. Maybe it’s because one partner had endured more than most people in his or her life and is dealing with some significant trauma. This personal turmoil may prevent the couple from making progress in therapy sessions.

Sometimes, waiting the WHOLE week for that one-hour session feels just too long while there are too many opportunities to engage in the negative cycle that keep couples feeling stuck.

When you, your partner, or both of you feel that your couples counseling doesn’t get you anywhere, it is time to consider some other options.

Option One: Consider Intensive Couples Counseling Program in my Wake Forest Office – 2-3 Sessions a Week for 5 Weeks

Intensive crisis couples counseling may benefit couples who are in a crisis, whether they are recovering from infidelity, thinking about separation/divorce, or need some kind of change in their relationship (and want this change to happen sooner!).

A crisis is usually a turning point in your relationship. However, waiting days or weeks for that one-hour session with your couples therapist doesn’t seem like a good option.

Intensive crisis couples counseling allows you to dig deep into your relationship problems and learn skills that will help you heal from the past and reach mutually rewarding solutions.

Intensive crisis couples counseling typically lasts for about five to six weeks during which you meet with your therapist 2-4 times a week for a minimum two-hour session.

Option Two: Consider Couples Intensive

EFT-based Intensive couples counseling program is an excellent opportunity to focus on each other, learn tools you need to rekindle connection and heal. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) is one of the most empirically validated interventions that show great success: research shows that 90 percent of couples undertaking Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy show significant improvements while 70-75 percent of couples move from distress.

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy focuses on the emotions and patterns in your relationship, encouraging you and your partner to become available, responsive, and emotionally engaged.

 During EFT couples intensives, we explore patterns in the relationship and plan strategies to develop trust and create a more secure bond between you and your partner. Whether you are local or coming from another city, a couples intensive means getting a break from your day-to-day routine. You and your partner will turn off your phones, leave your kids, house, and pets to someone else and fully re-engage with each other.

Whatever your reasons to seek therapy, couples intensive can help you truly understand the dynamics of your relationship and the underlying emotions. Once you profoundly understand yourself and your partner, you will know how to find solutions and keep your relationship healthy regardless of the possible challenges in the future. 

During couples intensive, you and your partner will learn how to build a healthy dependency in your relationship. The term codependency has a negative connotation typically. However, a healthy dependency is the ability to rely on your partner while keeping g a strong sense of self. Also, healthy dependency means feeling good about showing vulnerability and asking for help when you need it.

A healthy dependency can benefit your relationship in many ways. It may improve your communication, increase satisfaction, and help create a deeper emotional bond between you and your partner.

Option Three: Talk to Your Therapist

If you and your partner feel that you are not making enough progress in your weekly counseling sessions, talk openly to your therapist about your concerns. Ask them what do they think about your progress and how to know whether your couples therapy is successful or not.

Your therapist should be able to tell you whether and how much progress you have made since the beginning of your couples counseling and if he or she is a good fit for your needs.


Since couples intensives treatment is quite flexible and tailored to your needs, you can consider it as a great addition to your regular weekly couples counseling or online counseling sessions. Couples intensives allow you and your partner to explore your feelings and needs and dig deep into your relationship in the atmosphere of total acceptance. With no other couples or distractions, you can.

I hope this information helps you better to understand the benefits of couples intensives treatment option. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give me a call at (703)347 3200 and schedule an appointment online or in my Wake Forest office here.