Video Tips For Relationships


Relationship Counseling for Couples and Individuals

What to expect during your first consultation call with a therapist.

Wondering if you have relationship trauma?


What to expect during your first (individual) therapy session

For full transcript of this video click here

Why I am a therapist and why this is the coolest “job” in the world

For full transcript of this video, click here.

Why do we get so mean to people we love most?

For full transcript of this video, click here.


Why “communication skills” will not save your marriage

For full transcript of this video, click here.

Will my anxiety ever get better? Watch this video to find out

Click here for the transcript.

Relationship Tip: Don’t Fight Without the Insight


Why self sufficiency is bad

Why am I a secular therapist

Trade Expectation for Appreciation


What’s your favorite flavor of shit sandwich?

What to expect during your first couples therapy session?

Will you tell us if you think we should just divorce/break up?


Want to get my ebook for free? Watch this video to find out more!

What to expect during your first virtual therapy session?

Relationship Myth # 1: Fighting is sure a sign of a trouble!


Why you might be asking your partner too much!

Treat your partner like you would an affair partner!

When to keep fighting for your marriage and when to stop!


On the brink-should I stay or should I go? How Do I know the right answer?

How to find the right therapist for online counseling for couples

How to communicate effectively with your partner


Questions to ask your marriage counselor when couples counseling is no longer working

Common questions about online counseling for couples-what do I really need to know

How to save my marriage after infidelity and lies and should I even consider this option


Questions to ask your marriage counselor when couples counseling is no longer working

When couples counseling is not working -what not to do when this happens to you and your partner

Marriage counseling intensive-when couples counseling is no longer working for you


Marriage Counseling Intensive-benefits of a different kind of marriage counseling

Will I ever be enough for my partner? And how do I know?

"Couples bubble"- what is it and why it is good for your relationship?


What makes a relationship successful?

You DON'T have to love yourself!

What kind of therapy do I need?


What if my partner doesn't want to come to therapy?

Why losing an argument might sometimes be good for your marriage!

Don’t destroy your marriage by doing this, especially if you are a millennial couple.


Why over analyzing things doesn't work for relationships.

Maybe we are just too different to make the relationship work?

Relationship Myth # 2 One of us fell out of love and we probably need a divorce!


Relationship Myth # 3: Throwing marriage away and finding a new way is way easer than fixing the old

The trouble is my spouse- can you fix him/her instead? And, yes, I know this is probably wrong!

Relationship Myth # 4: Smart people can figure it out on their own, without the long term counseling


One single question that can change your marriage

How many couples counseling sessions do we actually need?

Holidays, marriage, and anxiety-what are the best ways to cope?


3 reasons couples counseling will NOT work for you!

Do we need couples counseling or a lawyer?

How long will it take us to recover from the affair?


Why people pleasing is bad for relationships