What Marriage Retreat Is and Isn’t and What to Schedule During Your Marriage Retreat


Marriage counseling Raleigh NC VS Marriage Retreat in North Carolina?

Sometimes Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC can revitalize marriage and bring back that amazing connection you’ve been missing for years!

And sometimes, couples need more than traditional weekly marriage counseling sessions to heal the past wounds. They need a whole day, without kids and phones, focused on just them. They need a marriage retreat to jumpstart their relationship and move from feeling like roommates to feeling like lovemates again! If this sounds like you, I’ve got you covered!

Our family had an opportunity to visit and explore Asheville last weekend. It was awesome. I can see why people love it and talk about it here in Raleigh and Triangle area all the time. It’s such a quant and beautiful place, and so so so dog friendly. In fact, you look kinda weird if you don’t have a dog with you there because everyone has some kind of a pet. I was surprised to see how many water bowls were outside for dogs to stay hydrated, which helped a lot because it’s gotten hot the last day we were there. We have decided to not stay at the hotel this time, and instead rent a cabin in the mountains about 20 min from downtown. It was a perfect middle between a hotel and camping. We had access to fully equipped kitchen, garden, and a bon fire area, which had a delightful benefit to itself-an opportunity to meet and get to know fellow travelers, which I absolutely loved. On top of eating fresh omelette in the morning from the chickens hanging around us, we had a stunning view of the mountains and sunrise each morning. It was perfect. And since we just had an opportunity for a beautiful getaway ourselves and my mind is fresh on what worked and what didn’t work for us in regards to scheduling different activities, this week’s topic is just perfect because I got lots of great insights.

Let’s dive in. Here is a list of ideas that you can play with and see what suits your and your partner’s lifestyles best. As a reminder, these activities are most suitable for the two day or a weekend type of a couples retreat. The 1 day retreat we’d discussed in previous week is mostly spent on the therapy intensive itself, and the only thing you might want to do after those 6-7 hours of intense work is either sleep or… well more sleep. That’s what my couples shared with me afterwards nevertheless.

Sleep Before and After Your Marriage Retreat in North Carolina Is Very Important

I don’t know about you guys, but we love to sleep in. I personally do best with 9-10 of sleep, which might seem like a lot to some people. I feel energized and refreshed after a great night of sleep and can move mountains the next day. My husband is very similar. If sleep is something you love as much as we do, make sure to plan for it. Do not schedule anything too early in the morning or too late at night. Protect your sleep because it plays a huge role in your health and overall well being. On the other side, if you are an early riser, you want to make sure to schedule some meaningful activity for yourself during that time. Maybe take a nature walk, do a meditation, or read a book that you enjoy.

Oh, and do not forget about naps because those ones are the best.

Quite Time During Marriage Retreat is Also Essential

We are constantly bombarded with lots and lots and lots of information and our brains are overestimated and exhausted. Our phones cause us constant stress with it’s numerous never ending notifications and such. Do yourself a favor and turn your stupid phone off! It will allow you to be fully present in each moment with your partner, and even though you might have withdrawals for the first couple of hours, you will survive. I promise! So make sure you schedule some quite time for yourselves. Again, it may include different things like meditation, walk, reading, or it may include nothing at all. Or you may choose to play by ear to see what feels right for you in the moment.Another important moment is to not over schedule your weekend. If you travel as much as I do, you may be used to scheduling every minute of your trip because of the fear of missing out. Especially if your trip is overseas and you want to make sure to see as much as you can. This is not that type of vacation. Relax, breath, and roll with the experience. Listen to your intuition.

Couples Massage and Marriage Are A Great Combo

Couples massage is amazing and it got a much higher relaxation value than dinner and movie while taking care of your body and mind. Some things to consider before heading to the spa is decide what kind of massage experience you are looking for. Are you looking for something light and relaxing or are you more of a deep tissue kinda person like I am? My husband did not grow up with massages like I did and he loves gentle touch, so that he can fall asleep. On the contrary, I love hard massage and have high expectations for it because of my previous experiences.Finally, do not rush out of the massage room and instead take your time. Use these 5-10min to reconnect with your partner and bond over this experience.If you are taking my 2 day couples retreat, I will take care of everything for you ahead of time and schedule your couples massage at the preferred time. All you will have to do is to just show up and enjoy yourselves:)

Connect With Beautiful Wake Forest Nature

Nature has something magical and refreshing about itself and I love incorporating nature in  my vacations and staycations. And we are super lucky to live in Raleigh area that has tons parks and greenery everywhere. In fact, I think of Raleigh as a city placed inside a forest, with all of it’s beautiful pine trees surrounding us. So there is a good chance you will have some kind of park nearby wherever you decide to stay for your couples retreat. Again, if you decide to participate in my 2 day private couples retreat in Raleigh/Wake Forest, your lodging and everything else will be taken care for you.

Customized and Expert Guided Marriage Retreat Just For You

Many couples benefit greatly from having an expert helping them to navigate their relationship so that they can achieve their goals and feel truly loved and connected to their partner. They understand what they need help with, but they are not sure how to get there. They have tried many different things in the past and the results either do not work or do not last. This is when an integrated couples intensive might be the perfect solution. For example, I visit my couples at their hotel suit and do the therapy intensive right then and there. I bring everything I need with me and when I live, they don’t need to commute back to the hotel from my office. They can relax and reflect on their experiences. Easy peasy.


Your marriage will transform from the same old heated arguments that take you nowhere to a marriage full of understanding, compassion, and real connection. And we can make direct, deep change by scheduling a private custom marriage retreat for you and your partner. Let’s cut through months of therapy in a day or two so you can start feeling more connected NOW!

If you need more help than this blog can give you or want to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with me, click here. I offer the best marriage counseling I can! You can also check out the FAQs to learn more.

This is not your typical weekly kind of therapy. I am here to help couples and individuals in relationships do what is proven to work to help them heal their relationships. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat in North Carolina, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling, there is something for every couple who wants to heal their relationship.

Stop wasting years of your precious life trying to feel happy. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me today by clicking here. During the call, you will discover how having a place to heal your relationship with a guide can take you from the hurt to a healthier relationship than the one you grew up with.


Marriage Retreats in North Carolina


Things to Look for in a Marriage Retreat In North Carolina