Unlocking Intimacy: Advice from a Marriage Counselor Raleigh NC on Tackling a Sexless Marriage

How Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC And Couples Therapy Raleigh Can Strengthen Your Relationships and Improve Your Sex Life!

As a marriage counselor in Raleigh, North Carolina, I work with couples and individuals to help them feel more connected, secure, and loved.

Marriage counseling Raleigh NC provides a secure environment for couples who don't know how to express love anymore without fighting to work on exploring their emotions and rekindling their connection.

Couples therapy Raleigh can help you get to a place in your relationship where you love and feel loved again.

Sexless marriages are more common than most of us would expect. Many couples that I work with during marriage counseling say there is little to no sexual activity in their marriages. While most of them say they still love each other, their sexual life, for various reasons, is not a big part of their relationship anymore. Whether because their sexual needs and desires don't match anymore, they feel too tired or too stressed out to balance parenting, careers, and intimacy, or they have been emotionally disconnected, a sexless marriage can really strain your relationship.

Marriage counseling Raleigh NC can provide a safe setting in which to understand the root causes of your intimacy issues and develop strategies to resolve these issues and reignite passion.

If you are exhausted of feeling alone and disconnected and hate the idea of feeling like this for another minute much less another few months, my specialized marriage retreats in North Carolina can provide the relief right here right now!

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 Hopefully, after you spend some time understanding what can be happening underneath your sexless marriage and then maybe even talking to a good, trustworthy, unbiased friend or a professional, you will be ready to have a conversation with your partner about this.

How Can Open Communication Be a Game-Changer for Your Sexless Marriage?

Emotional and intimate disconnection in relationships often stems from misunderstandings and issues we never realized before because we haven't talked about our feelings and experiences. I hear from a lot of partners I work with that they want to avoid having a conversation about their intimacy issues. But nothing is going to change if you don't have that conversation. When we don't know what's happening inside our partner's head and heart, we may make assumptions, jump to conclusions, or project our undesired feelings or behaviors onto them.

Having those conversations about difficult topics is a part of being married. As couples, we have the privilege and obligation of helping each other during those difficult moments. Yes, such conversations can be triggering, but you must learn how to navigate them. If you don't know how to do it, seek professional help, because you will not be able to go far in your marriage if you don't know how to be vulnerable and share.

When you get to the heart of your feelings and share them with each other, it can shift things in your marriage for the better. This open conversation, where you share your emotions, desires, needs, and fears without judgment, can help you better understand each other and strengthen your emotional bond.

So, when you are ready to have a conversation, it is important to find language that is effective. For example, you should avoid saying, "Hey, we're not having sex anymore." Instead, try with, "I feel lonely and disconnected when we don't have sex."

Also, saying something like, "I'm not attracted to you anymore" will not be helpful but will probably make your partner feel defensive and hurt. Depending on their attachment style, they may shut down and withdraw or get "big" and fight. You can instead say something along the lines of, "The environment we have created around sex is not doing it for me anymore. Can we talk about it? Can we do something about it together? I want to understand you and where you're coming from. And I have a few things to say to you as well."

This kind of sharing can foster a deeper emotional connection that often results in revived passion and an improved sex life.


Open communication that allows both partners to understand and respond to each other's emotional needs is the first step toward reigniting passion in a relationship. So, insist on honesty and openness in your marriage and see what happens. A great marriage is intentional. And this is something you need to do together.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with me, click here or check out the FAQs to learn more.

This is not your typical weekly kind of therapy. I am here to help couples and individuals in relationships do what is proven to work to help them heal their relationships. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat in North Carolina, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling, there is something for every couple who wants to heal their relationship.”

Stop wasting years of your precious life to feel happy. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me today by clicking here. During the call you will discover how having a place to heal your relationship with a guide can take you from the hurt to a healthier relationship than the one you grew up with.


Hi, I'm Irina Baechle, LCSW, in Raleigh, NC. I believe in the power of healthy relationships and write on that topic. Whether you and a partner are co-creating a healthy marriage or you are single and navigating how to have healthy relationships, my content is for you.

Let's make healthy, trustworthy marriages the norm instead of the exception!

Topics I write about include marriage, infidelity, roommate marriages, healthy second marriages, and healing after toxic or unfaithful marriages.



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