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Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC: Do You Take Your Head Trash Out?

Head trash is a topic I like to talk about with both my individual clients and those who come to me for marriage counseling Raleigh NC. I often ask them whether and how they take their head trash out if they know what head trash is.

What is Head Trash When It Comes to Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC ?

Everything we ingest and retain in our minds can be considered head trash. Also, head trash involves negative beliefs about ourselves, other people, and the world around us.

Self-limiting beliefs and negative thinking patterns can be a significant source of distress. They can trigger anxiety and depression, impair your physical health, strain your marriage, and prevent you from reaching your potential.

So, just like we take the trash out of our homes every week, we need to do the same to our brains and bodies. We are continuously bombarded with information. It consumes us and has an influence on our marriage with ourselves and others.

Regularly emptying your head trash can help change your thoughts and feelings about yourself and others. It can help you become more aware of your unproductive thoughts and embrace the belief that you are enough. Such a mindset shift may dramatically improve your health, relationships, and happiness.

How to Take Your Head Trash Out When It Comes to Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC

What are some activities people may do to de-stress, decompress, and clear their heads? What things make you happy and help you get rid of the trash in your head?

Here are a few ideas that you might find helpful.

·       Mindfulness Meditation

Meditating and being silent are things I do to take my head trash out. Mindfulness meditation is a really beneficial practice that you may do while resting in bed, sitting on the beach, or going for a walk.

Many studies have confirmed that mindfulness meditation can help us let go of negative thoughts, relieve stress, alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, boost our mood and optimism, and improve our overall sense of well-being.

Mindfulness lets you be fully in the present moment and watch your thoughts without responding to them.

·       Long Walks in Nature

The advantages of spending time in nature on our mental and physical well-being have long been recognized. For example, long walks in nature provide stillness and silence, ideal for mindfully observing your thoughts without self-judgment. Also, going for a walk can reduce stress, provide a distraction from daily problems, and help you cope with anxiety.

·       Staying Active

Physical activity might distract you from negative thoughts, help empty your mind, and improve your mood. Exercise has been shown to increase endorphin production in the brain, creating a sensation of happiness, calm, and well-being.

Any kind of mental and physical workout will work. However, it is essential to move away from working out for the sake of body image and all that. Instead, find activities that work for you, your body, and your needs.

·       Cooking

Those who enjoy cooking can turn this chore into a chance to focus attention on the present and mindfully observe their thoughts, helping them slow down, pace themselves, and empty their heads of trash.

·       Creative Expression

Creativity helps us express and manage emotions, empty our minds, cope with negative feelings, and improve our mood.

According to research, repetitive actions in creative expressions, such as sketching, painting, or sculpting, can boost serotonin production in your brain.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps reduce stress, anxiety, and sadness while lowering stress hormone levels.

·       Music

Research shows that making or listening to music can alleviate tension and anxiety while also allowing you to monitor your thoughts without responding to or judging them.

·       Journaling

Writing down your thoughts as they occur will help you empty your head trash, gain a better perspective, and uncover negative thinking patterns that create anxiety and sadness. In addition, it can help you by helping you pinpoint your triggers and connect with your subconscious mind, calm your inner critic, and reduce the influence of self-judgmental thoughts. As a result, you will see amazing results, even without marriage counseling Raleigh NC.


Emptying your head trash is a very individual thing. However, each of us must find ways to open our thoughts and seek our truth to be a better partner, parent, child, friend, and human being.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment in my Wake Forest or virtual office, do not hesitate to book your free 15 min phone consultation online by clicking here