Relationship Therapy, Raleigh NC

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Why You Need A Marriage Retreat In North Carolina

Marriage Retreat In North Carolina Vs Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC-What Is The Difference Again?

Sometimes Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC can revitalize marriage and bring back that amazing connection you’ve been missing for years!

And sometimes, couples need more than traditional weekly marriage counseling sessions to heal the past wounds. They need a whole day, without kids and phones, focused on just them. They need a marriage retreat to jumpstart their relationship and move from feeling like roommates to feeling like lovemates again! If this sounds like you, I’ve got you covered!

But first, a funny story. Several days ago something interesting, funny, and yet creepy all the same time happened at our Raleigh apartment.  Like any other day, I woke up and drove to my barre class in North Hills Mall In North Raleigh. Upon returning home just over an hour later, I’ve noticed a yellow sticky note on our apartment door.

The note read: ”Hi, call me. You are beautiful. Carlos…Phone number…”

By the way, “You are beautiful” was crossed out (lol), but pretty easy to read still.


I was kinda flattered AND freaked out. At first, I was pretty sure that the note was left by one of our maintenance guys in the apartment complex, but the “you are beautiful” part screwed my assumption up because I know both of the maintenance guys and they would NOT write this type of note. I am not 100% sure, but most probably not. Then I thought maybe someone scratched my car and left a note. But then quickly realized that they would not know which apartment I lived in if that was the case.

When I showed the note to my husband, he asked: ”Did you see anyone when you were leaving the apartment to go to your barre class?“

Awww, no, I don’t think so…

”“Are you going to call me?”

Ummm yeah I am going to call him because I want to know who is he and what’s going on. Maybe he saw me and thought I was hot

”“Yeah, right…I don’t buy it, you are just jealous” 

A few minutes later my husband leaves to go to the gym, and 30 seconds later comes back up.

“So, it’s a freaking joke. Both of the downstairs apartments also have similar notes. I bet it’s his friends who are trying to prank Carlos”

Ohhhhhh! The end of mystery.

Either Carlos has very funny friends or he is using very unconventional ways to meet girls in his neighborhood. Or maybe he is just a weirdo who got nothing else to do with his life. Either way it was an interesting and thought provoking morning for us.

Speaking of interesting, this month I have decided to write a blog series on marriage retreats. But first, I wanted to start off by clarifying what are marriage retreats exactly.

What is A Marriage Retreat anyway?

Before jumping in talking about what marriage retreat is exactly, let’s first discuss what marriage retreat is NOT. Which is very important to understand before committing to such a long and series event. Marriage retreat is NOT a religion-based event. If you follow me on Youtube or read my blog posts here on my website, you know that I am a secular therapist and consider myself to be spiritual and not religious. This is how I think about life and this is how I practice clinically. If you are looking for faith based counseling (whether pre-marital counseling or a weekend intensive), there are a lot of great therapists other there who specialize in just that!

Marriage retreat is NOT only for those who are legally married. In fact, you do not even have to live together. Or be officially dating even. Or have any other societal title on your relationship that does not fit. The only thing that I need from you both is love and commitment to each other, period.Finally, couples retreat is NOT the right place to be for highly escalated couples, couples who are in crisis, and couples who are struggling with any kind of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional or even substance abuse).

Okay, now let’s talk about what couples retreat is and why you might benefit from scheduling one.

A marriage retreat is an amazing opportunity for both partners to slow down and look inward. It allows the couple to take time away from kids, bills, and daily routine and just focus on each other and themselves.

Because guess what?!

This kind of thing never happens for most couples even though they know they can benefit tremendously from temporarily separating themselves from the day to day hustle and bustle.

You can also think of the couples retreat as a really cool relationship tuneup.

Who can benefit from a marriage retreat in North Carolina?

Long time couples who feel like roommates and are used to be taking care of everything in their lives-from bills to kids-except the relationship itself.Younger couples who feel that their relationship is good, but not great. They love each other and there are no huge fights, but they want more and are not sure how to get there by themselves. If you interested to learn more about how does marriage retreat work, stay tuned and make sure to check out my next week’s blog post. I will be going into many details on explaining how marriage retreats work, what is the difference between marriage retreats and couples intensives, and what to look for in a great couples retreat.

If you need more help than this blog can give you or want to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with me, click here. I offer the best marriage counseling I can! You can also check out the FAQs to learn more.

This is not your typical weekly kind of therapy. I am here to help couples and individuals in relationships do what is proven to work to help them heal their relationships. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat in North Carolina, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling, there is something for every couple who wants to heal their relationship.

Stop wasting years of your precious life trying to feel happy. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me today by clicking here. During the call, you will discover how having a place to heal your relationship with a guide can take you from the hurt to a healthier relationship than the one you grew up with.