Relationship Therapy, Raleigh NC

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Slow down to go faster - 8 couple activities that will maximize your connection

Slow down to go faster: 8 couple activities that will maximize your connection

Even though my husband and I moved to Raleigh NC to avoid the craziness and the fast pace of Northern Virginia where we used to live, our lives are still pretty busy. It is very true when they say that you can not escape yourself and that you really need to be intentional with your time and life in order for it to be meaningful. Making a big move across the states will not automatically guarantee anything unless you make it happen.

The same concept applies to your relationships. The easiest foolproof way to strengthen your connection with your spouse is to spend time with each other. Real quality time is not sitting in the same room for three hours on your devices not saying a word to each other. Quality time is spending time with your spouse doing something you both enjoy. Spending time to get to know your spouse (and yourself) has several benefits and you can find them in one of my other articles.  When you spend time with your spouse you’re slowing down to get to know them so that your marital growth comes in massive spurts. Spending time together is a great form of marriage therapy. And it’s freeJ This blog focuses on spending time with your spouse and how you can do that. I have compiled a list of fun couple activities that can get your time together started up. Over time you will eventually begin to personalize these activities but for now you can always pick any of these. Here are eight couple activities that can maximize your connection.

See a play or an opera

Some may ask why you just can’t see a movie and call it a day. You could but it won’t require the amount of effort seeing a play or an opera would take. Doing either of these would require that you dress up nice and clean and go outside your usual comfort zone. The atmosphere is also a calm and lovely one where you can enjoy the show and talk about it afterwards. After doing this you can also go for dinner but be sure to not do the usual “date night” which involves going to a restaurant. Switch things up a little, change the restaurant style, enjoy some street food and live in the moment. If there’s a carnival in town go there and sample the foods, enjoy the games and the shows. These activities are nice and fun ways to spend time together and get to know each other all over again.

Learn something new together

There’s no doubt that you and your spouse each have relatively different goals but sometimes there are similarities. Find something you both have an interest in. It could be a one time painting class or a cooking class. Attend this class to enjoy the knowledge and the company of your loved one.


This activity goes in two ways. The first idea is to read the same book separately and then come together to discuss it, your own personal book club or you could read to your spouse. Reading to your spouse is agreeably more romantic than reading a book separately but both can be romantic if done well. Light a candle, dim the lights, put on some mellow tunes and let your voice weave the story and immerse yourselves into the wonderful world of fiction.


 Exercising is highly beneficial to the human body. It keeps you toned and fit, reduces bad cholesterol and the chances of many diseases. Exercising with your partner is a great way to spend time doing something productive together. There are several types of couple exercises and a very popular one is couples yoga. It also doesn’t hurt that exercise releases endorphins, a happy feeling that is your body’s way of saying thank you. Exercise is also known to increase the sex drive so it really is beneficial to you in every way.

Visit a Museum

There are several types of museums: science museums, art museums, historical museums. Pick whichever you’re both comfortable with and spend a few hours exploring the works showcased there. There is no easier way to bond than to bond discussing something you both appreciate.


This a fun intimate activity that counts as time spent with each other and beside each other. Cuddling everyday for a few minutes is an efficient way to increase physical intimacy especially if you don’t have that much time to have sex often. Cuddling could also lead to sex so all round it’s pretty fun and beneficial to both parties.

Go on a road trip

People say that if you want to get to know someone you should travel with them. While traveling may not be possible due to work and family commitments, once in a while if you have to go somewhere by plane, you could opt to drive there (as long as it’s easily accessible). Going on a road trip is great way to just unwind, listen to great music (or a great podcast) and spend time with each other without any external interference. Thankfully, here in the Triangle area we have so many great options within 2-3 hour drive, including awesome beach and the mountains. But even if you only want to take a day trip, you can explore beautiful hip Carrboro or Chapel Hill, both of which are our favorite spots to unwind and get away from daily local routine in Raleigh.

Go to a spa

Everyone needs days to just unwind and relax. What better way to unwind in Wake Forest NC than to go to a spa that offers massages and spa treatment. Couples massages are even more intimate than single massages because they are performed in the same room while you lay a few inches away from your spouse. You could both enjoy a soothing mud bath or a detoxification in the sauna. Doing these soothing and refreshing activities with your partner is a great way to say “let’s relax together.”

These activities when done right are sure to improve and maximize the connection between you and your spouse. Be sure to experiment a little and personalize these activities as time goes on. Let us know what special romantic activities you and your spouse choose.

I hope this information helps you understand more about how to recreate the exciting feeling that comes with a love affair between your partner and yourself in Raleigh. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call at (703)-347- 3200 for your free of charge 15 min consultation and or to schedule an appointment in my Wake Forest office or online.

If you are looking for help with your relationships or marriage, you can read more about how I can help here. One of the biggest regrets that my couples share with me is that they wish they could have started couples counseling several years sooner. You do NOT have to be one of those couples. You deserve to feel loved and confident about your relationship TODAY. So pick up the phone and give a call,  so I can teach you how to live in the day to day in a way that leaves you feeling connected and energized about being together and feeling like a REAL couple.