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Breaking the Silence: Expert Strategies from a Marriage Counselor to Address a Sexless Marriage

Expert Counseling Advice from a Licensed Marriage Counselor in Raleigh, NC

Sexless marriages are often misunderstood but are a common issue that affects many couples in different stages of their relationships. In marriage counseling Raleigh NC, I work with my clients on understanding the root causes of sexless relationships, the impact of self-esteem, and the steps couples can take to reconnect with each other.

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Understanding the Core Issues

Many couples describe their sexless marriages as roommate-like relationships devoid of sexual intimacy, often blaming each other for not wanting to have sex or wanting too much of it. Alternatively, their libidos decline, they become exhausted, or they do not make time for sex while juggling daily responsibilities such as children, work, and housework.

So, the absence of sex in a marriage often reflects deeper issues within the relationship. A lot of times, what is happening inside the bedroom is a manifestation of what’s happening outside the bedroom. This connection between a couple’s emotional and physical intimacy is crucial in understanding why some marriages become sexless.

The Role of Self-Esteem

Our self-esteem strongly affects our desire for sex and intimacy and our sexual behavior. If you don’t like yourself – the way you look, smell, or how your skin looks, etc. – then you’re not going to enjoy undressing, being naked, being vulnerable, or allowing your partner to give you pleasure. This lack of self-acceptance and body confidence can severely impact our libido and ability. You will not be able to relax and engage in a sexual relationship with your partner until you learn how to heal those wounds and how to silence those voices that are telling you that you are not good enough.

Emotional Distance and Stress

If partners are in a bad place emotionally, then it’s tough to have good sex. In marriage counseling Raleigh NC sessions, I rarely see couples who are fighting, feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or resentful of each other having passionate sex. Especially for women, many things have to happen before they can unwind, relax, and open up.

So, mental and emotional well-being are paramount in sexual relationships. Self-esteem issues, high-stress levels, and your overall satisfaction with your marriage and its quality all play a significant role not just in the sexual realm of things but also in all aspects of your life.

Step Towards Reconnection

Talking to Your Partner

Communication is essential in overcoming the issues of a sexless marriage. Openly discussing your needs, concerns, and feelings can help you better understand each other, show empathy, and connect on a deeper level.

Seeking Professional Help

If you find it difficult to initiate these conversations, fear judgment and rejection, or don’t know how to express yourself without starting a fight, seek professional assistance.

Recognizing when you need outside support is critical. There are many specialists, highly trained marriage counselors out there, including me, who would love to assist you. Couples therapists have years of specialized training and experience dealing with relationship issues, so they can help you identify and address the underlying causes of your intimacy problems. Reach out, even if only for a free phone consultation, to discuss the possibility of overcoming your issues together.


When talking about sexless marriages, it is essential to address the underlying issues in a relationship, individual past hurts, mental health problems, or self-limiting beliefs. Understanding the underlying issues, talking effectively with your partner, and obtaining professional help as needed are all important steps toward rekindling intimacy and connection. Remember that you are not alone; tools and professionals are available to help you on your journey to a happier, more meaningful relationship.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with me, click here or check out FAQs to learn more.

This is not your typical weekly kind of therapy. I am here to help couples and individuals in relationships do what is proven to work to help them heal their relationships. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat in North Carolina, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling, there is something for every couple who wants to heal their relationship.

Quality marriage counseling in Raleigh NC, and online couples counseling in North Carolina and Virginia

Stop wasting years of your precious life to feel happy. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me today by clicking here. During the call, you will discover how having a place to heal your relationship with a guide can take you from the hurt to a healthier relationship than the one you grew up with.

Hi, I'm Irina Baechle, LCSW, in Raleigh, NC. I believe in the power of healthy relationships and write on that topic. Whether you and a partner are co-creating a healthy marriage or you are single and navigating how to have healthy relationships, my content is for you. Let's make healthy, trustworthy marriages the norm instead of the exception! Topics I write about include marriage, infidelity, roommate marriages, healthy second marriages, and healing after toxic or unfaithful marriages.